Here are some links to useful services, information, and related topics.
A stronger and more complete take on the microchip/sarcoma link
This article contains a more insightful article about the link between microchip implants and sarcomas than the SFGate piece, linked below.
Acupuncture for Humans by Denise Cicuto
Denise Cicuto is a gifted acupuncturist whose specialties include but are not limited to fertility, and she incorporates diet, chinese herbal remedies, exercise, and massage for a complete holistic healing approach.
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association
The American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association is an organization whose purpose is to function as a forum for the exploration of alternative and complementary areas of health care in veterinary medicine.
Cat Faeires
Cat Faeries is an excellent resource for flower essences, Feliway, Anti-Icky Poo (the best urine stain and smell remover ever!) and other products and information for when your cat's behavior is less than angelic! And they have a wealth of information on dealing with a variety of behavior issues. They also carry some lovely toys and rewards, gifts, treats, and grooming products!
Don Earl's very complete info page on the pet food recall
Incredibly useful (though heartbreaking) information about the pet food recall this year, the contaminants found within the food, the wrong that was done, and what you can do about it.
International Veterinary Acupuncture Society
June 6, 2007 - FDA Finds Acetaminophen, poisonous to pets, in pet food!
Another contaminant found in pet food. Please stay careful and aware of what you feed your pets!
Link between Fire Retardants and Pets' Health
This article contains info about the link between the flame retardants used in articles in our homes, and the epidemic rise of thyroid conditions in pets over the past decade.
Primal Pet Foods
SF Raw - a San Francisco collective for free range, organic meats for pets
SFGate Article on April 3rd of the scope of the food recall tragedy.
Sojourner Farms all natural pet food mix
This excellent mix combines with water and raw meat for complete balanced nutrition. It's easy, cost-effective and good for your pets!
The FDA's pet food recall site
It's never a bad idea to check this page occasionally if you feed your pets manufactured pet foods, or if your pet shows signs of food-related illness.
The Urban Cat Project - rescue with a holistic approach
The Urban Cat Project rescues and provides adoption services for many wonderful cats who have come from tragic or abandoned circumstances. Many of their rescues were declawed early and have had to adapt when their previous owners abandoned them. The Urban Cat Project utilizes homeopathic and alternative treatments for their cats and seeks adopters with similar approaches to feline care. They minimize vaccinations and feed raw food when possible. Please visit their site at www dot theurbandcatproject dot org to meet some of their beautiful rescue cats, for more information about adoption or how you can help.